Men’s Hormone Health Quiz

Assess your hormonal health

A hormone imbalance can be detrimental to your quality of life, but luckily it’s an issue that can easily be manage using the right hormone therapy. Answer the 9 questions below and our health providers will offer you a preliminary assessment to see whether you’d need lab tests for a hormone imbalance. You can also book an appointment right away.

Preliminary Hormone Health Assessment

How you experience the following:

    Inability to Sleep?
    Significant Changes in your Mood? (feelings like irritability / anxiety / depression)
    Inability to Focus / Memory Loss?
    Weak Hair / Hair Loss?
    Muscles / Joint Pains?
    Excessive Sweating?
    Weight Gain?
    Loss in Sex Drive?

    Request an Appointment Today

    Fill out the form below or give us a call at (512) 379-7272 to schedule your appointment. 

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